Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Pep Talk! :)

So everybody hates Mondays and I'm going to talk about what everyone hates most..... The Popular people! You know the football players,the cheerleaders,the random popular crowd? Well most people believe they were put on the earth to hurt people and destroy friendships. But Most of the time they just put you down to put them selves up. What my goal is for my next year is to walk around the school and not give a crap what people say to me. All of the popular people SUCK! They need to get control of them selfs and chill out. I'm tired of people being bullied and once they bully my gets personal. It hurts to see people change for them because they don't deserve it. Everyone deserves to feel like they belong and people don't just because they are around. If your popular GET A LIFE. And run through your head no one LIKES you!!!!!! Your perfect just the way you are and no one can tell you other wise. Don't cake on makeup or starve yourself or not be yourself. No one likes a fake.......


An inspiring song: Home by Phillip Phillips  :) Enjoy!!!
Love Y'all   ~Kaylee 

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