Monday, May 13, 2013

Stupid things people do when they drive!

First of all I'm not old enough to drive obviously but when sitting in the front seat you see a lot of stupid driving!! 
  1.  People who stare at you while you're driving! You know the ones who look to the side when they are driving and just stare at you. WHO YOU LOOKIN AT !?!?!So along with that my friends mom  was driving down the road and just held a gun beside her and that solved the problem REALLY quick :) Some people really need to watch the road not the hot guy or girl beside them! (The dude that was staring at my mom this morning)          Lol ;)
  2. Texting While Driving!!!!! Is it really that hard to put your phone in the backseat just long enough to drive to where you are going?!? Y'all are stupid by risking your life and everyone who is driving safely :) Ain`t nobody got time to clean your dead body up out of the road because you were being DUMB!!! Like my friend Courtney would say "Ain`t nobody love you" :) JK!     But seriously be safe :)
  3. Slow Driving!!! So everyone needs to go somewhere in the mornings but all the grandma's and grandpa's out there y'all need to stay in the house for another hour or so because you will maneuver your way onto the highway and act like a Crazy butt driver until you get out in front of the other car,then you will slow down and drive 20 mph!!!! WHY?!?! And to make matters worse you drive in the fast lane I agree with KINGSLEY we officially need a old people lane. Don't get me wrong old people are sweet! But not when I'm grumpy and trying to get to school or get somewhere on time!  K? :)
  4. RIDING ON PEOPLES BUMBER!  My dad does this all the time and it gets on my nerves!!! So how it works is someone will make him mad and he will get as close to the dudes bumber as he can and will drive like that until the dude turns. If people did this to me it would annoy me and I would slam on my brakes and they will crash into me. It will be their fault and they will NEVER do that again! So yea.....  Don't do it stupid teenage drivers or people like my dad!!! XD
  5. Yellow Lights!  So yellow lights are ment to slow down not speed up really fast!! Right when you start going another line could be going then you will have a big pile up and a lit of people will DIE......……………so don't do that EVER  GOT IT?? :)

Here is Kingsley`s video!!!! It has some language but it is hilarious I promise!!!! :) 

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